I am thinking to write something regarding on “ADAPTAION OF ISLAM IN MODERN ARENA”. Whatever I’ll write on the later part of this article is quietly based on my own views and practical experiences. The aim of writing this article is not to hurt anyone or any particular religion. And I beg my pardon if it really hurts anyone….
One question is now a days a very familiar –are Muslims are terrorists? There’s a reason behind this conception? Are they really terrorists? Terrorism is not monopoly for the Muslims. Another religion are also doing much more brutal tactics to gain a certain goal. Now a days lots of articles is published on “Times of India”. Actually the reason behind the recent trend among Muslims is the misconception of “Jihad”. According to QURAN jihad is struggling against all sorts of odd things exists on the society. I think all senior citizens in Muslim society played a crucial role here. First one, in Islam who are not Muslim they are accepted as “kafir”. Second one, in Islam there’s no any existence of other religion, at least it’s not taken cordially the existence of another religion(s).If you go to the madrasa(it’s Islam based education system) then you will easily find out how truth my claim is! Since very childhood if you thought by your respected superior or your family members then what can rest of the society can expect from you. I am not blaming your superior or beloved father or brothers because they also came across the same system, same environment. So whom u to blame for these fiery situation? And this situation some more parameters made the situations more complex. Should I gave you some examples- Palestine problems, the impact of 9/11 on Muslim society, Gujrat riot and thousand more. Almost all the cases Muslims are the victims. Forget about the outside of India, when something happened near your house where also victims are Muslims then there’s a situation arrived which is very appalling. Now add there outside of India affairs. Then the concept became meaningful. Now the seniors of the Muslim community make as it is two plus two make four. Now they realized all syndromes are exists for Jihad. Another parameters like personal, political and commercial matters are also there- forget about all those. Now the seniors are inspired to explain the situation is perfect for the Jihad. So what you are waiting for? It’s your turn to face off how you obedient to your superior and you religion. As a result of this- lots of bomb blast, lots of blood shedding. Another lure is to get passport and visa as a “shahid” for your next life in heaven where time is endless as compare to the life of this Earth! Another significant reason is to shortcut way to be in limelight. Who dare to miss it? Specially for this young generation very difficult to refuse. And thousand of newcomer will follow his foot steps and accept you as a idol. Yea it’s very lucrative indeed. As a result lots of young generation are enrolling themselves in the dangerous stream. Who will tell them that they are doing terribly wrong, who will show them the beauty of life? They are already brain washed. This is actually is a loop and growing anger and impatience are the impact of this chain reaction. Some writer are also point out that poverty is one of the main reason among the Muslim young which inspired them to be destructive. In my point of view that’s not true quietly. The question may arrive what’s the reason behind this firm determination. Because I observed them very closely. I am originated from remote area of BANGLADESH where poverty is the part and parcel of every family for everyday. I never seen them aggressive. More frankly we sometimes avoid them because of their different religion. Till now, at the time of my vacation, I think to go there first, it’s not because of my family – for my childhood friends/memories. As a close observer I think Muslims are very conservative regarding on their religion. Simply they are not ready to discuss about anything which hurts their religious sensitivity. 14 hundred years have been passed after the implementation of Islam. Since then lots of water flowed in Ganga and Jamuna since then but no more changes or modifications are not implemented. Muslim society don’t even imagine to do that by mistake also. This civilization is changing day by day, hour by hour, more specifically at every moment. This change is occurring in habits, thoughts, culture, believes and so on thousands, millions and billions parameters. More importantly it should adapt the current society and the way people led their lives without interrupting the natural stream of life of human being. Incase of interruption, time will tell everything. So wait and see.
4:25 PM 7/26/2006
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