Corruption and our society
Corruption and our society
Different types of epidemics have been arrived since the beginning of the world. Sometimes they strike human society and human civilization so mercilessly that put a bigger question mark on their existence and desire of keeping intact of the singularity of offspring. But human society and civilization survived and will survive in coming days.
Those epidemics placed themselves on history and forgotten eventually. But some of the epidemics never been removed till now and wont be removed in coming days also. Corruption is one of them. This is not a natural calamity- not a natural havoc- it’s purely a side effect of human society’s natural tendency. The sole unit of the society or a civilization is individual person- and a person is very much bounded to his family. So by individually or family wise a person is not self sufficient. They have to share their resources and later on it’s expanded on exchanging their resources. This way the perimeter of a particular society or a civilization expanded among the different types of families, culture and communities. When the exchanging system among communities or families or individuals failed to abolished their day-to-day needs and expectations then the concept of pebble or “kadi” had arrived and after modification(may be thousand times or more) of that process, the concept of currency arrived. The whole process has taken several thousands of years which I finished within a couple of lines.
To make life easier and inter community communication the concept of currency is certainly a revolutionary step- no doubt about it!! But our society and civilization are paying equally till now and will be paying in the near future for that. Is there exist any single society or country in the earth where corruption does not exists? The answer is very much simple-certainly not! Since last couple of years “Transparency International” doing a survey country wise putting them on an index on the basis of some criteria. And obviously as predicted all the Africans, some Latin Americans and Asian countries more specifically south Asia ranked the most corrupted countries of the world. This year Bangladesh ranked first jointly with the African nation Chad. Bangladesh is ranked first in this list since last four consecutive years. India, Pakistan is bit better position than it’s neighbor but not far behind! I think this statistics is more than enough to prove how our society is affected by this most ancient and deadly epidemics. Now come to Latin American countries. What are the reasons behind the financial crisis of Latinos in the late eighties and early nineties? The answer is same- corruption. One research paper shows that- up to sixties all the developed countries were directly engaged on sanctioning the loan for the poor countries. But later on they decided to pull out themselves and decided to sanction the loans via their premier bank(s). The condition was all those banks which are involve they would act like mediator-they’ll provide money, and will collect money (obviously with interest) and their respective Govt. will share the profit. This concept was largely implemented by US in the early sixties and other developed countries started following theirs steps. From this concept the idea of WORLD BANK, IMF and ADB had emerged. By the early or mid of seventies all renowned banks had joined this “the league of extraordinary donator”(sorry for copying this phrase from the movie ‘the league of extraordinary gentleman’!!). Now come to again on Latinos. The loan sanction to them are largely mismanaged and misused. Suppose $100 million was sanctioned to a particular country. The research paper observed that out of this $100 million 60 to 65 percent are digested by the bureaucrats and other top level post holder of that country. 20 to 25 percent had digest by various agents, mediators and contactors. The rest 15 to 20 percent had been allocated on the real project(s) on which the loan(s) was/were sanctioned. This is very modest case, sometimes the case more pathetic than we can imagine. And guess where those money vanished? After couple of weeks or months those money were deposited on Miami, Zurich, London, New York branch of those reputed banks. So their money came back to them again within couple of weeks or months. But they’ll collect the interest from that particular country. And this interest rate range from 17 to 30 percent. And this interest rate(forget about main sanctioned amount) are paid by the people’s happiness, tears, earnings and savings. By the late eighties or early of the nineties some of the Latin countries including Latin America’s second largest economy Argentina became bankrupt. And what’s the effect of that? If you observe then you will not find a single capitalist(right) Govt. on the power. All of them overwhelmingly dominated by socialists or leftist. And this picture will be seen from Lula Da Silva’s Brazil to Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. Most probably only Peru was unconquered by the leftist but that was also captured eventually few months ago.
Up to now lots of theory has been emerged and implemented to create a corruption less society. Among those Carl Marx’s theory influenced people very much. Mao De Zong’s revolution and our own Deshi version Charu Mazumdar’s Naxalbari movements for ‘equal and corruption less society’ shaken our existence and society very badly and till now it’s doing. But all the theories and hypothesizes are proved very much wrong. I personally believe- if there is any concept of currency or property exist in any society(read it as a country) then it will not be able to survive from the corruption. Again except currency today’s civilization is almost existence less and property(concept) less society is as idle as existence less society. Do that sound deadlock? Yes, corruption was in the earth from the beginning like this article and will be till the end like this article-
damm......nice article......more than a article. keep going...
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